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br Acknowledgements br Value of the
Acknowledgements Value of the data We provide a standard proteomic dataset based on a highly complex sample (yeast lysate) spiked with different levels of a second calibrated protein mixture of medium complexity (UPS1 standard, 48 proteins), that can be used to statistically evaluate label-fre
br Specifications Table br Data br Experimental design
Specifications Table Data Experimental design, materials and methods Acknowledgements T.S.S. is grateful to Nadathur Estates for their support of all the breast cancer research activities at SJRI since 2008. We thank the Department of Biotechnology for the DBT-BBI grant (No: BT/PR13926/M
br Data The data provided in this
Data The data provided in this data article compliment the original research article that described the transformation of two subcutaneous implantable cardioverter defibrillator vectors into an 8-lead surface ECG. Fig. 1 illustrate the location of the electrodes on the precordium used during data
br Acknowledgements br Data This
Acknowledgements Data This data set contains 5 tables and 1 figure. Tables 1–3 represent the performance of R. maritima in saline wastewater treatment. Tables 4 and 5 show the specific growth rate and the nutrient uptake rate during the study, respectively. The photo of R. maritima plant is pr
br Introduction Even before the earliest conceptions of
Introduction Even before the earliest conceptions of a juvenile justice system, adolescents and young adults have presented unique challenges to policy-makers (Steinberg, 2009). Higher incidents of criminal activity, substance use disorders, and the emergence of psychopathologies are often report
The rs fMRI reflects the stability and integrity of connecti
The rs-fMRI reflects the stability and integrity of connections in functional networks (Cole et al., 2010). Across development and into adulthood, negative connectivity increases as neural networks become more specialized and as the influence of top-down regulatory networks become more mature and ga
In PS in vivo data showed an
In PS, in vivo data showed an increase of the gene expression profile of visfatin, and in vitro data showed a visfatin enhanced tumor necrosis factor-α-induced CXC chemokine ligands 8 and 10 as well as CC chemokine ligand 20 secretions and mRNA expression in human keratinocytes. Thus, visfatin may b
El presente estudio cr tico tiene como
El presente estudio crítico tiene como objetivo entonces tomar como punto de partida la publicación en castellano del libro de una de sus teóricas más relevantes para así evaluar los alcances y paradojas de una tradición que ha llegado para enriquecer más de un debate. Se trata de de Lauren Berlant
En efecto siendo esta distinci n jur dica
En efecto, siendo esta distinción jurídica de esferas la condición sine qua non del proyecto burgués, la sociedad decimonónica occidental en su conjunto se verá sometida a una serie de prácticas que harán visible dicha dicotomía, por lo que su legitimidad, siempre tensionada, no solo quedará sujeta
The protection of Carrageenan induced paw edema in rat
The % protection of Carrageenan induced paw edema in rat was treated with phenylbutazone guggulosomes. The rats were treated with optimized formulation F3 of prepared guggulosomes. The controlled and treated rats were observed for 0.5, 1, 2, 3 & 4 h on plethysmometer and anti-inflammatory effect was
Regarding the temperature perception in the gallery people w
Regarding the temperature perception in the gallery, people were asked whether they were feeling hot, comfortable, chilly, or uncomfortable. Results show that 86% of the users felt comfortable in the building (Figure 11). In addition, 79% of the respondents pointed out that the conversion strategy u
For symptomatic appendiceal diverticulitis an appendectomy i
For symptomatic appendiceal diverticulitis, an appendectomy is the optimal treatment. Regarding whether patients without symptoms require an appendectomy, most surgeons suggest a prophylactic appendectomy because, even in symptomless patients, the risk of perforation and mortality is higher in these
It has been shown that in several cancers
It has been shown that, in several cancers, only a minority of the cancer dopamine antagonist drugs are able to initiate the formation of new tumors. These cancer-initiation cells are called CSCs, and in several studies the CD44 adhesion molecule has been demonstrated to be expressed specifically i
br Case report A year old boy with
Case report A 3-year-old boy with a history of traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage and skull fracture at age 1.5 months developed hydrocephalus and underwent VPS at 9 months. At 18-months old, the VP shunt was replaced with a new shunt because of infection. Eighteen months later, he experienced abd
buy OF-1 Cryptosporidium s direct life cycle
Cryptosporidium\'s direct life buy OF-1 is enhanced by the existence of resistant oocysts that are capable of extended periods of survival in the environment. Thus, apart from person to person transmission by the faecal-oral route, oocysts can be transmitted in water or contaminated food (FAO, 2014
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